Thursday, 10 November 2011

HERITAGE [12 pts]

Last week we took a home school trip to our local Heritage Park to explore schooling and life of the past century in Fort McMurray.

It might be big, but this radio is stylish!

Squeezed into the turn of the century school desks. 

 School came to Fort McMurray around 1913, but most kids didn't go for long, or even all year. Everyone helped with trapping in the wintertime until more industry settled up here.

Where's the screen?

One thing we learned: School in November is cold!! Even though many of the buildings have been modernized with heat, some were not, and we were all shivering. I couldn't imagine huddling close to the stove (if you were lucky) while trying to learn. We agree that school in 2011 is pretty great!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun fieldtrip! Lucky kids to be able to learn in a warm home.
